The bullet points below are intended to act as a humble guide for your reference as you peruse this little corner of the internet.
what to expect
- dramatic accounts of unexceptional situations that somehow turn into philosophical musings
- dramatic accounts of unexceptional situations with no purpose other than to simply entertain
- unnecessarily frequent usage of the word concubine*
what not to expect
- cute DIY craft ideas (my most recent craft included stealing the stuffing from my couch to make a pillow with an old t-shirt. That was two years ago.)
- fashion-forward outfits (I mostly just wear the crocs I bought in 2006. see below.)
- aesthetically-pleasing recipes (nobody wants to see pictures of my microwaved brussels sprouts)

feel free to subscribe
If you enjoy reading my musings, you can subscribe by entering your email in any of the conveniently-placed areas throughout the site. It costs you nothing and bring me great joy.