i now have a blog!

I’ve always had a conflicting attitude when it comes to blogs. I really like to think and write down what I think, which would suggest a soft spot in my heart for this particular medium. However, I can be quite a cynical person and I know that the Internet is a big place and it seems rather pompous to think that this abounding Internet cares about such individual thoughts as my own. There are a multitude of blogs out there and I personally care about very few of them. (However, I do appreciate the random people I don’t know who have provided me with a plethora of delicious recipes crafted from weird ingredients so thank you abundant Internet.) Additionally, blogging has become pretty trendy, especially amongst millennials travelling abroad, so naturally, I am turned off by it.
However, here I am, writing a blog post. Ultimately, I decided that, as previously mentioned, the Internet is a big place so if people don’t care about my thoughts, they can very easily avoid them and neither their Internet experience nor their overall quality of life will be hindered by the existence of a blog written by me. Additionally, multiple people have expressed interest in reading a blog of mine (while I am abroad and otherwise) so I suppose this is a way to give the people what they want, appease the fans, one may say. Also, my dear friend AP revealed to me that a blog is a great way to collect my thoughts and experiences in one place, which facilitates future reflection and remembrance. So Internet: this here page is ultimately for me, not for you.
So alas, I have given into this millennial trend and started a blog. I suppose its purpose is technically to share thoughts and experiences whilst abroad (PSA for anyone who has graciously continued to paragraph 3 and thought I was popular enough for people to prod me to start a blog without any extraneous influencing factors: I am studying in Dublin this semester!), but I have a feeling that if I stay committed to this forum, it will be filled with general thoughts and musings rather than recollections of cool adventures or specifically European experiences.
I will try to keep these posts relatively short because I am aware of my audience and the busyness and short attention spans that plague our society today. Also, my life simply is not important enough to take up anyone’s attention for more than a few paragraphs at a time. However, anyone who knows me (or has experienced me in a comfortable and casual group setting) knows that I’m not great at brevity when it comes to storytelling. (Although I can be much more efficient with detail selectivity via writing than via verbal sharing.) I will post when I feel like it so feel free to read my thoughts.
Also feel free to avoid this blog for the rest of your life because the Internet is a big place and we each take up a miniscule and insignificant corner of it so if my corner isn’t relevant to yours, please don’t feel obliged to interact with it. (Kind of poetic/symbolic of life, don’t you think?) However, if you do find my life relevant or relatable, feel free to share thoughts or ask questions and I will oblige to the best of my ability, as I am blogging with a servant’s heart.
I have started a blog so feel free to read it if you’re interested and feel free to avoid it if you’re not.
I am leaving for Iceland on Sunday to camp/explore with some friends for a few days and then heading to Dublin to study for the semester!
Share feedback/questions if you feel so inclined.