I have a few more serious posts in the works, but something happened today that struck me as funny, so I thought I would share.
The first time I visited my cardiologist here in Nashville (I have low blood pressure, it’s a medical condition) he gave me a few rather unrelated nuggets of wisdom. During my first visit, he made sure to instill in me a dedication to law school, grad school, or whatever other higher education I seek. He shared with me his own inspiring journey through 36 (!!!!!) years of education that brought him to his current profession and made sure to emphasize that even if I find a job and settle down, that I need to write “law school” in the front of my planner, study at night, and do whatever it takes to stick to my plan of law school.
The funny thing is that I never shared with this man that I had a desire to go to law school. But if I ever earn a JD, I owe it to you, Dr. Patel.
Since he is a cardiologist and neither a guidance counselor nor a life coach, Dr. Patel also gave me some medical advice: namely to drink Gatorade every day. (The salt and electrolytes get my heart a pumpin’ in order to combat the above-mentioned low blood pressure if you were wondering about the medical significance of such a suggestion.)
Dr. Patel also suggested buying Gatorade power as opposed to bottles of it because I am a student and he doesn’t want me to “break the bank”. As a thrifty and environmentally-conscious gal, I happily obliged to his suggestion and went in search of such a powder.
After visiting the local Kroger, Target, and Walmart (sorry mom and pop shops, I will admit to bowing down to corporate America from time to time), I was still unsuccessful in procuring a flavor I enjoyed. My dear friend Becca (pictured below) suggested I order it from Amazon. I worked a little magic (typed in "Gatorade powder" into the Amazon search box) and there, in its shining glory, was my coveted glacier freeze (and for only $10.98)!
I ordered this important medical necessity and thanks to my sister’s Amazon Prime account, received a package in the mail just a few days later. As I opened the locker bank that contained my humble prize, I was surprised by the excessive size of the box. And, after picking it up, its corresponding excessive weight.
As I opened the box, a chuckle escaped from my lips. I had, in my excitement on the world wide web, ordered a four pound container of Gatorade powder. Four pounds. That is more pounds than some babies when they come out of the womb.
This is funny because I just walked around to my classes and obligations for the rest of the day with four pounds of Gatorade in my hands. I now have no excuse to go a day without Gatorade, so feel free to keep me accountable.

Another life update: my second favorite pair of jeans is too long for me, so I have to cuff them at the bottom. (It’s a measure of practicality rather than of fashion.) I typically roll them twice, but today, I unrolled the second roll and donned a single cuff. I think I like it that way and will probably continue this style. Or maybe someday I will get them hemmed.
Okay, that is all.